Hai Feng Teng

"Sea Wind Vine"

Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness



Channels: LIV, KI

Properties: Spicy, Bitter, Slightly Warm

Common: Kadsura Stem

Latin: Caulis Piperis Futokadsurae



  • To dispel wind and dampness;
  • To clear the channels and collaterals


Indications & Combinations:


  • Wind-damp obstruction syndrome manifested as painful and stiff joints, tendon and muscle spasms, lower back pain, painful knees and pain from external injury. Futokadsura stem (Haifengteng) is used with other herbs that dispel wind and invigorate the circulation of blood in channels and collaterals, such as Erythrina bark (Haitongpi), Large-leaf gentian root (Qinjiao) and Mulberry twigs (Sangzhi).



  • 5-10 g