Hou Po

Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness

Channels: LI, LU, SP, ST

Properties: Bitter, Spicy, Warm, Aromatic

Common: Magnolia Bark

Latin: Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis



  1. To promote qi circulation;
  2. To dry dampness;
  3. To descend rebellious qi and relieve asthma;
  4. To resolve retention of food


Indications & Combinations:


  1. Disharmony of spleen and stomach due to stagnation of dampness and retention of food manifested as epigastric distension and fullness. Houpo is used with Cangzhu and Chenpi in the formula Pingwei San. If dampness blocks the spleen and stomach causing retention of food, abdominal distension and pain and constipation, Houpo is used with Dahuang and Zhishi in the formula Da Chengqi Tang. 
  2. Cough and asthma. Houpo is used with Xingren in the formula Guizhi Jia Houpo Xingzi Tang.



  • 3-10 g