Da Fu Pi

Herbs that regulate the Qi


Channels: LI, SI, SP, ST

Properties: Spicy, Slightly Warm

English Translation: Big Abdomen Peel

Common: Betel Husk

Latin: Pericarpium Arecae Catechu


  • Promote the downward movement of Qi and reduce stagnation
  • Promote urination and reduce edema

1.     Promote the downward movement of Qi; Qi stagnation cause abdominal distention, oppressive sensation in chest and abdomen, poor appetite, diarrehea; e.g. with Hou PoChen PiFu LingHuo Xiang

2.     Dampness obstruction cause edema; e.g. Wu Pi Yin, with Sang Bai Pi, Fu Ling Pi, Chen Pi, Sheng Jiang Pi


  • 6-9g