Gan Cao

"Sweet Herb"

Herbs that Tonify the Qi 



Channels: All 12 Channels

Properties: Sweet, Neutral

Channels: All 12 Channels

Properties: Sweet, Neutral



  • Tonify middle Jiao and Heart Qi
  • Transform phlegm and stop cough
  • Relax spasms alleviate pain
  • Clear toxic heat
  • Moderate and harmonize herbs


  1. Tonify Qi: Spleen Qi deficiency cause fatigue, loose stools, poor appetite, or Heart Qi deficiency cause palpitation, shortness of breath; e.g. Si Jun Zi Tang, with Dang Shen, Fu Ling, Bai Zhu; Zhi Gan Cao Tang, with Dang Shen, Gui Zhi, Mai Dong, Da Zao
  2. Stop cough: use for various cough, either heat or cold in Lungs; e.g. Zhi Sou San with Jie Gen, Bai Qian, Zi Wan, Bai Bu
  3. Relax muscle spasm and alleviate pain: abdominal or limbs muscle spasm and pain, due to Yin Blood deficiency or deficiency cold; e.g. Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang with Bai Shao
  4. Clear Toxic heat food or herbal toxicity: carbuncles, sore throat, or either food or herb toxic; e.g. with Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao
  5. Moderate and harmonize the properties of herbs: reduce the toxicity of herbs or moderate the extreme cold, hot, purgative, harsh expellants herbs.



  • 2-12g.
  • Use raw to clear toxic or heat, honey fry to tonify and relax spasm


  • This herb incompatible with Yuan Hua, Gan Suk, Da Ji, Hai Zao.
  • If excess dampness patients should be prohibited.