Bai Shao "White Peony"

Herbs that Tonify the Blood 



Channels: LIV, SP

Properties: Bitter, Sour, Cool

Common: White Peony Root

Latin: Radix Albus Paeoniae Lactiflorae


  • Nourish Blood and regulate menstruation
  • Calm Liver Yang, relax spasm and stop pain
  • Reinforcing Liver Yin and stop sweating

1.     Nourish Liver Blood and regulate menstruation: it is commonly used for Gyn/Ob diseases, such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding; e.g. Si Wu Tang, with Shu Di Huang, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong

2.     Calm Liver Yang and soften, relax spasm and stop pain: Liver-Yin deficiency cause Liver Yang hyper-actives, such as dizziness, headache, irritability, or muscle or sinews spasm or Liver Qi stagnation cause abdominal pain, stomachache; e.g. Shao Yao Cao Tang with Gan Cao

3.     Reinforcing and preserve Liver Yin, harmony Ying Wei, stop sweating: disharmony between Ying Wei, spontaneous sweating, or exterior wind with sweating; Gui Zhi Tang with Gui Zhi


  • 6-15g