Ge Jie

Herbs that Tonify the Yang



Channels: LU, KI

Properties: Salty, Neutral

Common: Gecko

Latin: Gecko

Functions :

  1. To tonify lungs and kidneys;
  2. To stop cough and asthma;
  3. To replenish blood and essence


Indications & Combinations:

  1. Cough and asthma due to deficiency of lungs and kidneys; Gejie is used with Ren Shen, Xing Ren and Chuan Bei Mu in the formula Renshen Gejie San.
  2. Impotence due to kidney deficiency. Gejie is used with Ren Shen, Lu Rong and Yin Yang Huo. Also, Gejie can be used alone for this treatment.



  • 3-7 g (for decoction), 1-2 g (for powder)


Cautions & Contraindications:

  • This substance is contraindicated in patients with cough and asthma due to excessive internal heat or invasion by exogenous pathogenic wind and cold.