Dong Chong Xia Cao

"Winter Bug Summer Herb" 

Herbs that Tonify the Yang 



Channels: LU, KI

Properties: Sweet, Warm

Common: Cordyceps, Chinese Caterpillar Fungus

Latin: Cordyceps Chinensis



1. To tonify lungs and kidneys

2. To stop bleeding

3. To resolve phlegm


Indications & Combinations:

1. Deficient kidneys manifested as impotence, seminal emissions and soreness and pain in the lower back and knees. Dong Chong Xia Cao is used with Shan Zhu Yu, Shan Yao and Tu Si Zi. The herb can also be used alone.

2. Chronic cough and asthma or cough with bloody sputum due to lung deficiency. Dong Chong Xia Cao is used with Sha Shen, E Jiao and Chuan Bei Mu.

3. Spontaneous sweating and aversion to cold due to weakness of the body or illness. Dong Chong Xia Cao is cooked with chicken, duck or pork.
  • 5-10 g
Cautions & Contraindications:
  • This substance should be used cautiously in cases with exterior syndromes.