Gou Ji "Dog Spine"

Herbs that Tonify the Yang



Channels: KI, LIV

Properties: Bitter, Sweet, Warm

Common: Chain Fern Rhizome

Latin: Rhizoma Cibotii Barometsis


  1. To tonify liver and kidneys;
  2. To strengthen bones and tendons;
  3. To expel wind and dampness

Indications & Combinations:

  1. Deficiency of the liver and kidneys manifested as soreness and pain in the lower back and knees. Gou Ji is used with Du Zhong, Xu Duan and Niu Xi.
  2. Deficient liver and kidneys accompanied by invasion of wind and dampness manifested as soreness and pain in the lower back and knees and motor impairment. Gou Ji is used with Gui Zhi, Qin Jiao, Hai Feng Teng.


Dosage: 10-15g


Cautions & Contraindications:

  • This herb is contraindicated in cases with dysuria, scanty, yellow or brown urine, bitter taste in the mouth or dryness of the tongue.