Gu Sui Bu 

"Mender of Shattered Bones"


Herbs that Tonify the Yang 



Channels: KI, LIV

Properties: Bitter, Warm

Common: Drynaria Rhizome

Latin: Radix Drynariae


1. To tonify the kidneys;

2. To invigorate blood and stop bleeding;

3. To heal wounds


Indications & Combinations:

1. Deficient kidneys manifested as lower back pain, weakness of the legs, tinnitus, deafness or toothache; Gu Sui Bu is used with Bu Gu Zhi, Niu Xi and Hu Tao Ren for lower back pain and weakness of the legs. Gu Sui Bu can also be used with Shu Di Hang and Shan Zhu Yu for tinnitus, deafness and toothache.

2. Swelling and pain due to external trauma or injury; Gu Sui Bu is used with Hu Gu, Gui Ban and Mo Yao.


Dosage: 10-20 g

Cautions & Contraindications:
  • This herb is contraindicated in cases with deficiency of yin with internal heat and symptoms without blood stasis