Tu Si Zi

Herbs that Tonify the Yang




Channels: KI, LIV

Properties: Spicy, Sweet, Neutral

Common: Chinese Dodder Seeds

Latin: Semen Cuscutae Chinensis


  1. To tonify kidneys and control essence;
    2. To nourish liver and brighten the eyes


Indications & Combinations:

1. Deficient kidneys manifested as impotence, nocturnal emissions, premature ejaculation, lower back pain or leukorrhagia. Tu Si Zi is used with Du Zhong, Shan Yao and Gou Ji for lower back pain or leukorrhagia; Tu Si Zi is used with Wu Wei Zi, She Chuang Zi, Sha Yuan Zi and Nu Zhen Zi for impotence.

2. Diarrhea due to deficient spleen. Tu Si Zi is used with Dang Shen, Bai Zhu and Shan Yao.


Dosage: 10-15 g


Cautions & Contraindications:

  • This herb is contraindicated in cases with deficiency of yin with excessive fire, constipation and red, scanty urine