Xin Yi Hua |
Warm, Pungent Herbs that Release the Exterior
Channels: LU, ST
Properties: Spicy, Warm
Common: Magnolia Flower
Latin: Flos Magnoliae Lilliflorae
- Disperses wind-cold and opens the nasal passages: For stuffy nose, nasal obstruction, congestion, discharge, loss of smell, and related sinus headache. Can be used for any nasal or sinus problem, especially related to wind-cold invasion.
- Caution with heat or fire due to Yin Deficiency. Overdosage may cause dizziness.
- 3-9g. Use as decoction, pills, or as ointment for local application. Place in cheesecloth while decocting as this herb may be irritable to the throat. Part used = flower or flowerbud.