Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha)
In 1620, 102 pilgrims left England for a new world in ''Mayflower''. However, Mayflowers not only ''pilgrims boat'', but it is another name for hawthorn. strong and solid, with thorny branches, often used as fence or hedge. For many centuries, hawthorn was used to strengthen heart functions, and in many European countries used to treat various heart related diseases.
Cardiac disorders are common not only in Americans, but in Koreans and many other cultures, usually common in diets consisting mostly of meat. Hawthorn is a good herb to treat and prevent heart diseases due to such causes.
Hawthorn was a well known herbal medicine even in the ancient times. However, it was more known for its symbolic value than medicinal value.
In ancient Greece and Rome, it represented hope, marriage and fertility, and was often used as bouquet in weddings.
Romans used to place hawthorn leaves under their children''s beds to keep evil spirits away. However, in Christianity, it symbolizes pain and suffering since the Jesus''s thorny crown was made from hawthorn.
Nicholas Culpepper, 17th century British herbal scholar, praised hawthorn as "best herb for kidney stone and congestive heart failure'', and even the 19th century eclectic scholars recommended hawthorn for angina and congestive heart failure.
During first World War, young hawthorn leaves were used instead of tea or tobacco.
Hawthorn strengthens heart functions and blood circulation, an also relieves physical, mental and environmental stress.
Saponins and glycosides, chemicals found in hawthorn stabilizes heart functions as needed, hence it can be used to balance any type of heart disorders. Likewise, in hypertension, it lowers the blood pressure, and in hypotension, it will increase the blood pressure. Also, because hawthorn is safe for prolonged uses, it can be used to treat conditions like congestive heart failure and hypertension.
Even today, hawthorn is mostly used to treat heart diseases, and David Hoffmann, the author of "Holistic Herbal" wrote that "hawthorn fruit is the best medicine to strengthen heart and circulatory system, restore heart function, and to treat heart failure or weak heart functions for prolonged period of time".
Moreover, may herbal literatures states hawthorn''s effectiveness in treating kidney stone, mental uneasiness and anxiety, and chronic insomnia.
1.Heart disorders
Hawthorn promotes heart function in many different ways. It dilates coronary artery to promote blood circulations, increases heart beats, effective in any types of irregular heart beats, and especially good for preventing cholesterol build-up in the arterial walls.
For such reasons, it is very effective in treating and preventing atherosclerosis.
In one study 120 patients with congestive heart failures were treated with hawthorn and placebo. The patients on hawthorn were relieved of many symptoms associated with congestive heart failure, like palpitation.
2. Indigestion, dyspepsia and digestive disorders
It is especially effective in meat digestion, and treating bloating and diarrhea.
3. Postpartum abdominal pain due to blood loss and abnormal lochia discharge
4. Relives diarrhea, and especially good for chronic diarrhea
5. Chronic forgetfulness
Hawthorn promotes blood circulation in the brain, increases oxygen supply to promote memory and like ginkgo, can be used to ''reinforce memory''.
Gather ripe fruit in early autumn and dry it prior to use
1. Boil 4-5 teaspoonful of fruit in 5 cups of water for 15 minutes, and drink 3 times daily
2. Drink 1/2-1 teaspoonful of tincture 3 times daily
3. Use fried hawthorn for diarrhea
Hawthorn is a generally safe herb. However, large dose of hawthorn may decrease desire/will, or intensify blood pressure to cause fainting. Hence, FDA has classified hawthorn''s safety as obscure, consult a healthcare professional before use.
1. Not for use in children under 2 years old, pregnancy or breast-feeding mothers
2. When treating extravasate blood, and postpartum abdominal pain with no indigestion, take precautions since patient may have weak spleen and stomach, and hawthorn may damage the Qi.