Calendura (Calendura officinalis)
Calendura, commonly known as pot marigold, is an herb of lili family that originated from Southern Europe, and is cultivated worldwide.
Easily grown in any soil, it is one of the most commonly used of the western herbs, very effective in treating skin disorders.
Most often, the petals are used for medicinal use, but the leaves can also be used in salads or as garnishes for seafood dishes.
Calendura, an annual plant, blooms in early summer, and has bright orange flowers, makes it one of the favorites in many summer gardens.
The petals very effective in treating skin infections, but it is especially effective in preventing spread of infections, and also contains chemicals that promotes healing. Calendura also has the property of removing internal toxins and promoting metabolism of removal of waste products, and is often used with other herbs.
Calendura is also safe, and mild herb, can be used by both children or elderly without any concerns.
According to the historical records, calendura petals were even used during the Civil war (1861-1865). Even today, it is widely used in Europe and United States in various forms according to the disease its used to treat.
For various external wounds, it made into an ointment; to treat bee or insect stings/bites, keratitis, blood shot eyes, use calendura tea; especially for chronic infection, calendura tea and tincture are traditionally used.
1.Antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal use
Calendura inhibits cell proliferation and growth, and contains Resin, which has antifungal property, and can be used to treat athlete''s foot and various other skin disorders.
2. Converges capillary vessels
For various cuts, bruises and contusions, and other traumatic injuries, varix and infections.
3. Various skin disorders
Calendura is most effective of the various herbs used for skin disorders, and can be used any kind of skin disorders.
For an example, acne, purulent inflammation, sun burn and blisters due to it, diaper rash, tinea (ring worm), athlete''s foot, thrush and pain from breast feeding (apply ointment to the nipple and wipe before breast feeding).
4. Digestive disorders
Calendura tea and tincture is effective for gastritis, gastric ulcer, regional ileitis, and colitis.
5. Neutralizes toxins
Calendura has been used as neutralizing herb for a long time. It can be used to neutralize toxins that causes acne, infections, high fever, whole body skin disorders like eczema. It also tonifies the function of liver and gall bladder and treats disorders in both organs.
6.Female disorders
Calendura has some of properties of estrogen, it is especially effective for menstrual pain and disorders. Calendura tea is also effective for yeast infections.
It also prevents muscle spasm and bleeding, and is a source of Vitamin A
Calendura has slightly bitter and cold properties. It should be collected in early spring when flowers bloom, and should be dried in shade. Usually only bright orange petals are most effective, so its possible to just dry the petals for medicinal use.
1. For acne, eczema, place 30 drops of tincture in half-glass of water and drink it 3 times daily. Especially for acne, apply tincture to affected areas 2-3 times daily for better results.
2. For tinea or thrush, place dried calendura leaves in hot water for 5 minutes, and drink it 3 times daily
3. For shingles, make strong calendura tea and use is as a wet compress or hot pack.
4. For sun burn, use calendura oil (placing 20-30 drops of calendura oil into bath water is also very effective)
Should consult acupuncturist/medical professional for pregnancy