• Jian Ya Pian (3bottles)
What does it do?

Blood pressure is a measure of the force of blood against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps. It rises when the heart beats and falls when the heart relaxes between beats. Such a pumping cycle normally generates blood pressure at the reading of less than 120/80 mm Hg. Blood pressure is influenced by many factors including electrolyte balance, hormones, medications, stress, diet, lifestyle and certain medical conditions.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), rising blood pressure often falls into a pattern called "Ascendant Liver Yang" or ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang. The TCM pattern results from an imbalance of Yin and Yang in which Yin is weakened and cannot hold Yang in the Liver in balance and causes the Yang uprising. Therefore, a main principle in TCM to address ascendant Liver Yang is to calm the liver, subdue the errant Yang, and simultaneously enrich the Yin.

BPSure™ is Guang Ci Tang's signature formula that works to maintain blood pressure levels that are already within the normal range. .

Jian Ya Pian is composed of 11 herbs which act together to calm the liver, subdue the Yang, and enrich the Yin as detailed below.

Huang Qin (Scutellaria) clears heat especially from the upper body. Zhi Zi (Gardenia) clears heat and sedates fire. Long Dan Cao (Gentiana) clears heat and anchors Liver Yang. Zhen Zhu Mu (Pearl shell) calms the Liver and anchors the Yang. In addition, it settles the Shen (spirit) to help with sleep and loss of temper.

Xia Ku Cao (Prunella) and Huai Mi (Sophora) both clear Liver fire.

Mu Dan Pi (Mouton) clears heat due to Yin deficiency or heat in the blood level and also subdue Liver Yang rising/Liver fire. Dan Shen (Salvia root) is a key blood invigorating herb which promotes blood circulation and cools the blood. Similarly, Niu Xi (Achyranthis root) nourishes the Liver and Kidneys, activates the blood and eliminates stasis but has the added effect of directing fire downwards.

Zhi Mu (Anemarrhena) clears heat and sedates fire but also nourishes Yin and protects fluids, and clears deficiency fire. Sheng Di Huang (Rehmannia root) nourishes Yin, Blood and Essence (Jing).

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Jian Ya Pian (3bottles)

  • Product Code: Guang Ci Tang
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $35.97