• Ming Mu Di Huang Pian (YinVive Vision™) (3bottles)
What does it do?

Stare at Your Screen All Day? Give Your Eyes the Nutrition They Need!

Stare at your computer and smartphone all day? And the TV at night? Our eyes weren't designed to stare at monitors and screens all day. And for some people, the ageing process compounds the problem of diminishing eyesight. It's no wonder eye supplements are so popular nowadays.

Ever wonder why some people can go their whole life without ever having vision problems, while many people's vision seems to rapidly decline after 50 years of age? But even for those who think there's nothing that can be done about diminishing eyesight, vision may be improved at any age.

Time-Tested, Ancient Formula Supports both the Kidneys and Eyes

YinVive Vision™ is an all-natural herbal remedy that's been used for centuries. It works on two different levels. First, there are herbs that support Kidney/Liver function. Second, this natural support for vision also contains eye tonic herbs.

According to TCM theory, the Liver "opens into the eyes." Thus, if Yin energy is deficient in the Liver, blurred vision and other eye disocomforts can manifest, such as increased sensitivity to light, becoming teary-eyed (especially in the wind), getting tired easily.

The Kidney produces marrow, and because the brain is considered "the sea of the marrow," in TCM theory, Kidney deficiency can also affect the brain, causing lightheadedness and other symptoms, such as low back soreness, seminal emissions, or night sweats.

How Does YinVive Vision™ Work?

The formula for YinVive Vision contains added eye tonic herbs to our popular YinVive formula, which restores and strengthens Kidney and Liver Yin energy.

The Kidney-nourishing herbs in YinVive Vision include: Shu Di Huang (Prepared rehmannia root); Shan Zhu Yu (Dogwood fruit), which also tonifies the Liver; and Shan Yao (Chinese yam), which also nourishes the Spleen. Three herbs supply the purging property to avoid imbalance of nourishment. Ze Xie (water plantain rhizome) clears the Kidney in coordination with Prepared rehmannia; Mu Dan Pi (Tree peony bark) purges Liver Fire in concert with Dogwood fruit; Fu Ling (Poria) removes dampness from the Spleen in harmony with Chinese yam.

The following herbs in the formula are eye tonics:.

Gou Qi Zi (Goji berry) nourishes and tonifies Liver and Kidneys, benefits Jing and brightens the Eyes. Ju Hua (Chrysanthemum flower) disperses Wind and clears heat. It also calms the Liver and improves vision. Dang Gui (Chinese Angelica root) and Bai Shao (White Peony root) both nourish the Liver, Spleen, and Blood. Ji Li (Bai Ji Li) calms the Liver, brightens the eyes and dispels Wind. Shi Jue Ming (Abalone Shell) calms and clears the Liver and improves vision.

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Ming Mu Di Huang Pian (YinVive Vision™) (3bottles)

  • Product Code: Guang Ci Tang
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $35.97