• Huan Shao Zhuang Yang Pian (3bottles)
What does it do?

Rediscover Your Masculinity

Millions of men have little drive. "Low-T," marketing-speak for "low testosterone," is often blamed for a precipitous decrease in physical strength. It's no wonder that 'low-T' treatments are very popular. Anti-aging male wellness clinics have sprouted all over the country, promising to cure their patients' lack of energy and drive.

If you want to feel young again, Youngain™ is a safe, all-natural herbal dietary supplement. It does not work within hours. Given patience, Youngain™ may help revive your vitality by building the whole body from within.

Time-Tested Ancient Wisdom Supports Both Kidney Yin & Yang Energy

Youngain™ is one of our signature formulas that's based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). There are nine all-natural herbs in Youngain™, six of which nourish Kidney Yang. Low drive or the inability to maintain a physical strength is attributed, according to TCM theory, to weakened Kidney Yang.

Kidney Yang energy also provides support to low-back function, warms up cold limbs, promotes the general wellbeing.

Three other herbs in Youngain™ are Yin-enhancing herbs. Why the need for Yin herbs, when Yang, particularly Kidney Yang boosts vitality? Think of Yang energy as the firing gun and Yin as the ammunition. You can't fire a gun effectively if it's not loaded. The Yin herbs help "reload the ammunition.".

Youngain™ is safer and more sustainable than most TCM-based Yang boosting products. This is because they support only Yang energy, which, over time, if Yin energy is not balanced as well, can be potentially dangerous. Youngain™ is itself a potent Yang tonic but also effectively supports Yin energy.

How Does Youngain Work?

Six of the nine all-natural herbs in Youngain are powerful Kidney tonics. These include Ba Ji Tian (Morinda root), Yin Yang Huo (Horny goat weed), Suo Yang (Cynomorium), Bu Gu Zhi (Psoralea fruit), Tu Si Zi (Dodder seed), Du Zhong (Eucommia bark). They are warm in nature and well known in Chinese medicine to tonify the Kidney and invigorate Yang energy. Many of them also strengthen the tendons and bones, and solidify the Jing essence. They are all of botanical origin and do not contain any animal parts. Together, these Chinese herbs represent perhaps one of the strongest combinations of yang-promoting herbs.

The three Yin tonics in Youngain™ are Shu Di Huang (Prepared rehmannia), Shan Zhu Yu (Dogwood fruit), which is a tonic for both Kidney and the Liver; and Shan Yao (Chinese yam), which also nourishes the Spleen. Together they help balance and provide support for the Yang-boosting herbs.

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Huan Shao Zhuang Yang Pian (3bottles)

  • Product Code: Guang Ci Tang
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $38.97