(Test) Oriental herb: Bai Jiang Cao

Bai Jiang Cao

Herbs that Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity

Channels: LI, LIV, ST

Properties: Spicy, Bitter, Slightly Cold

Common: Patrinia, Thiaspi

Latin: Herba cum Radice Patriniae


  • Clears heat, removes toxins, and reduces inflammation: for internal toxins from fire causing intestinal abscesses or acute appendicitis. Also eliminates pus and toxins on the skin causing carbuncles, sores, and swellings. Used both internally and topically.
  • Eliminates pain due to blood stasis: for blood stagnation caused by heat in the abdomen or chest. Also for post partum and post operative pain, dysmenorrhea and endometriosis.


  • Overdosage may cause nausea or dizziness. Do not use in cases of spleen and stomach deficiency.


  • 9-15g. Part used = whole plant.

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