(Test) Oriental herb: Lian Qiao

Lian Qiao

Herbs that Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity

Channels: HT, LIV, GB

Properties: Bitter, Slightly Spicy, Cool

Common: Forsythia Fruit

Latin: Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae


  • Clears heat toxins and disperses lumps and nodules: for all sores from heat including abscesses, neck lumps, scrofula, and carbuncles.
  • Clears wind-heat: for wind-heat common cold. Also effective in treating high fever, thirst, and delirium.


  • Do not uses in Yin type abscesses or carbuncles that have already ulcerated. Also contraindicated in cases of diarrhea resulting from spleen and stomach deficiency.


  • 6-15g. Part used = fruit when just about to ripen.

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