(Test) Western herb: Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)

There are over 500 types of eucalyptus, most of them habitants of Australia. This herb is familiar to most, commonly used in oral antiseptics, decongestant, perfume or treatments.

Australia, with its natural advantages, is the forerunner in the herbal researches, and is constantly researching new herbs, with great clinical results.

Even the FDA has admitted effectiveness of eucalyptus, classifying it as "treatment of common cold and flu".

Eucalyptus root can store surprising amount of water. Hence, aborigines (Australian natives) and early settlers used its roots as a source of water, and the leaves to relieve fever associated with various disorders.

Eucalyptus leaves and oils were used to treat high fever which was prevailing in the Mediterranean in 1860s. It is said to be especially effective in treating intermittent high fever due to malaria.

However, despite its effectiveness, many physicians of the time made arguments for and against its uses.

According to recent studies, eucalyptus has no direct effect on the germs that causes malaria. Yet, once eucalyptus tress were planted along the Mediterranean, and it absorbed water from the wetlands, malaria carrying mosquitos'' habitats disappeared thus having indirect effect on the malaria.

Eucalyptus oil is very effective in preventing infections, during the 19th century, it was used in a British hospital as treatment to control spreading of urinary tract infections.

In 19th century America, eucalyptus oil was introduced by eclectic herbal scholars as the herb to treat injury, to keep as household medicine, and to use with vapor to treat bronchitis, asthma, whopping cough and emphysema.

Even today, many herbalists use eucalyptus as antiseptic, pain in throat, using vapor to treat bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, emphysema, and breathing difficulty, laryngitis, and nasal congestion due to common cold and flu.


Eucalyptus leaves contains chemical ''eucalyptol'', which not only give the herb its unique fragrance, but is also important factor in treatment action.

1. Treatment of common cold and flu

''Eucalyptol'' is has special function to remove phlegm/congestion from the body, it is very effective in clearing cough and congestion due to phlegm. Likewise, many cough lozenges currently out on the market contains eucalyptol.

Moreover, a Russian studies has shown that eucalyptol can be used to treat influenza virus and bacterial disorders.

2. Treatment of wounds

Eucalyptus'' ability to inhibits and treat bacteria can be used to treat various wounds externally.

3.Exterminate cockroaches

According to Science News, like Bay Laurel, eucalyptus is effective in exterminating cockroaches.


1. Sip 1-2 teaspoonful of finely crushed dried eucalyptus leaves in 1 cup of boiling water, and drink. Drink 2 times daily, and lemon or honey can be added for better effect.

2. For nasal congestion due to common cold, boil a handful of leaves and add 4-5 drops of oil, slowly breath in the vapors. Place a towel around the head to keep the vapors from escaping for better effect. This is very effective in treating head cold.

3. For wounds, place 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil on the wound and wipe with water and soap.

4. Wrap a handful of eucalyptus leaves in a cloth and place in bath water for common cold, stress relief and etc.

5. For cockroach extermination, wrap eucalyptus leaves in clothes and place it around the house.


1 Not for use for children under 2 years old, and for elderly over 65 years old, smaller dosage should be used

2. Large amount of eucalyptus oil can be harmful on the body so consult healthcare professional before use

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