(Test) Oriental herb: Bai Bian Dou

Bai Bian Dou

Herbs that Clear Summer Heat 

Channels: SP, ST

Properties: Sweet, Neutral

English Translation: Flat Bean

Common: Hyacinth Bean, Dolichos

Latin: Semen Dolichoris Lablab


  • Clears dampness and summerheat: For symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea often associated with summerheat and dampness causing stagnation and disharmony.
  • Strengthens Spleen and dissolves damp without drying: For chronic diarrhea, loose stools, lethargy, fatigue, disinterest in food, or excess vaginal discharge.
  • Removes toxins: For treatment in acohol or food poisoning.


  • Not for use with intermittent chills and fever
  • The herb usually comes dry-fried as fresh Bian Dou is toxic.


  • 10-30 Grams

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