(Test) Oriental herb: Zhu Ling

Zhu Ling

Herbs that drain dampness

Channels: SP, KI, BL
Properties: Sweet, Bland, Slightly Cool
Common: Polyporus Sclerotium
Latin: Sclerotium Polypori Umbellati


  • Cloudy urination
  • Jaundice
  • Diarrhea
  • Edema
  • Scanty urination
Functions : To transform dampness and promote water metabolism


Indications & Combinations :


  • Dysuria, turbid urine, edema, diarrhea and profuse leukorrhea. Umbellate pore-fungus (Zhuling) is used with Poria (Fuling) and Alismatis rhizome (Zexie) in the formula Siling San.



  •  5-10 g

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