(Test) Oriental herb: Bai Zhu

Bai Zhu

Herbs that Tonify the Qi 

Channels: SP, ST

Properties: Bitter, Sweet, Warm

Common: White Atractylodes Rhizome

Latin: Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae


  • Tonify and strengthen the Spleen
  • Dry dampness
  • Stop sweating
  • Prevent the threatened abortion


1.       Deficiency of Spleen and Stomach: poor appetite, diarrhea, fatigue, epigastric edema; e.g. Shen Ling Bai Zhu San, with Dang Shen, Shan Yao, Fu Ling

2.       Middle Jiao dampness due to deficiency of Spleen: edema, scant urination, phlegm; e.g. with Huang Qi, Fu Ling

3.       Spontaneous profuse sweating is due to deficiency of Qi; e.g. with Huang Qi, Fu Xiao Mai, Ma Huang Gen

4.       Threaten abortion due to deficiency of Spleen Qi: e.g. with Sha Ren



  • 4.5-9g.
  • Use raw to dry dampness, dry fry to strengthen Spleen and Stomach

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