(Test) Oriental herb: Dang Gui

Dang Gui "State of Return"

Herbs that Tonify the Blood


Sweet, Spicy, Bitter, Warm

Chinese Angelica Root

Radix Angelicae Sinensis


  • Nourish Blood and regulate menstruation
  • Promote Blood circulation and stop pain
  • Reduce Swelling and generate flesh
  • Moisten Intestines

1.     Tonify Liver and Heart Blood: it is an important herb in nourishing Blood, for treatment of anemia, pale complexion, palpitation, dizziness, numbness, insomnia; e.g. Si Wu Tang, with Shu Di Huang, Bai Shao, Chuan Xiong.

2.     Harmonize the Blood and regulate menstruation: it is very commonly used for Gyn/Ob diseases due to deficiency or cold or stagnation, such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea; e.g. with Chuan Xiong, Bai Shao, Xiang Fu, Yi Mu Cao

3.     Promote Blood circulation and stop pain, reduce swelling and generate pus: commonly used for abdominal pain, headache, traumatic injury, carbuncles, or abscesses, resently also used for cardiovascular disease; e.g. with Chuan Xiong, Hong Hua, Tao Ren, Chi Shao

4.     Moisten the Intestine: due to Blood deficiency


  • 3-15g

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