(Test) Oriental herb: Niu Bang Zi

Niu Bang Zi

Cool, Pungent Herbs that Release the Exterior

Channels: LU, ST

Properties: Spicy, Bitter, Cold

Common: Great Burdock Fruit

Latin: Fructus Arctii Lappae


  • Expels wind-heat and relieves sore throat: for wind-heat invasion causing sore, red, and swollen throat, acute tonsilitis, cough, and fever.
  • Promotes the eruption of measles: used when the rash has not vented completely. Also used in cases of toxic swellings and abscesses, including erythemas, mumps, and carbuncles.
  • Lubricates the intestines: used when wind-heat causes constipation.


  • Do not use in cases of qi Deficiency, diarrhea, or when there are open sores.


  • 3-9g. Part used = fruit.

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