(Test) Oriental herb: Huang Bai

Huang Bai "Yellow Fir"

Herbs that Clear the Heat and Dry Dampness

Channels: KI, BL

Properties: Bitter, Cold

Common: Phellodendron or Amur Cork tree Bark

Latin: Cortex Phellodendri


  • Eliminates heat and dampness: for damp-heat in the lower jiao with symptoms of yellow vaginal discharge, diarrhea with strong odor, dysentery, jaundice, or acute urinary tract infections. Also used to treat damp heat pouring downward causing red and swollen knees, legs, or feet.
  • Reduces kidney fire: for rising kidney fire from yin deficiency, with night sweats, afternoon fevers, steaming bone disorder, nocturnal emissions or spermatorrhea.
  • Drains fire toxicity: for damp skin lesions, abscess, eczema, furuncles, or boils.


  • Contraindicated in cases of spleen deficiency, with or without diarrhea.



  • 3-12g. Part used = bark.

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